Cloudflare Gateway logs DNS query information in RData ↗, a Base64-encoded binary format. The following resource record fields are available for each query:
- Query name
- Query type
- Query class
- Response TTL
- Response data
To parse RData logs from Logpush, run the following Python script with your desired samples:
import dnslibimport base64
# The samples from your Logpush outputsamples = [ {"type":"1","data":"BnJlZGRpdANjb20AAAEAAQAAALwABJdlwYw="}, {"type":"5","data":"BnNlY3VyZQV3bHhycwNjb20AAAUAAQAADggAIgZzZWN1cmUEYmFzZQV3bHhycwNjb20GYWthZG5zA25ldAA="}, {"type":"28","data":"Bmdvb2dsZQNjb20AABwAAQAAAGkAECYH+LBAIxAJAAAAAAAAAGU="}]
# Parse the Logpush RData.data field into Resource Records# See section "4.1.3. Resource record format" of https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1035.txt# Includes Query Name, Query Type, Query Class, Response TTL, Response Datafor sample in samples: decoded = base64.b64decode(sample["data"]) buffer = dnslib.DNSBuffer(decoded) r = dnslib.RR.parse(buffer) print("== Print the full Resource Record ==") print(r) print("== Print individual components of the Resource Record ==") query_name = r.rname query_type = r.rtype query_class = r.rclass response_ttl = r.ttl response_data = r.rdata print(f"query name: {query_name} | query type: {query_type} | query class: {query_class} | ttl: {response_ttl} | rdata: {response_data}\n")
The script will print a list of your samples. For example:
== Print the full Resource Record ==reddit.com. 188 IN A Print individual components of the Resource Record ==query name: reddit.com. | query type: 1 | query class: 1 | ttl: 188 | rdata:
== Print the full Resource Record ==secure.wlxrs.com. 3592 IN CNAME secure.base.wlxrs.com.akadns.net.== Print individual components of the Resource Record ==query name: secure.wlxrs.com. | query type: 5 | query class: 1 | ttl: 3592 | rdata: secure.base.wlxrs.com.akadns.net.
== Print the full Resource Record ==google.com. 105 IN AAAA 2607:f8b0:4023:1009::65== Print individual components of the Resource Record ==query name: google.com. | query type: 28 | query class: 1 | ttl: 105 | rdata: 2607:f8b0:4023:1009::65